We grow best in small groups who meet either once a week or every two weeks to pray together.

Start with a personal zoom with Charity Rattray to launch using the AWAKE MICRO GROUP SESSIONS. Explore helpful content on our IGTV and join our private Awake FB group as a great resource for growing in prayer. 

To be an official Awake prayer group you just need to have more than two people and gather consistently and pray. 

We believe this will create connections vital to our spiritual health and well being.  If you need that in person connection we are here to help facilitate those relationships. Even when geographical distance and time zones create a challenge we offer zoom as well. Don’t let the obstacles stop you from experiencing the more God has for you!

Connect with Charity Rattray for mentorship, coaching, questions, and support. If you are interested in hosting or participating in an Awake Micro Prayer Group fill out the contact form below and Charity will be reaching out to you directly.
