5 ways to prepare for life’s storms

 We hunger most to hear from God when everything in life is chaos.  The storm will call us to attention like no other.  Often it’s a simple cry, “oh God just tell me what to do.”
At God’s command amazing things happen, wonderful things that we can’t understand. He commands snow to fall on the earth, and sends torrents of drenching rain. He brings our work to a stop; he shows us what he can do. (Job 37:5-7 GNT)
“At God’s command” rather than mine, this is where amazing happens.  The storms of life can clearly show us what only God can do.  But what if anything can we do?  We can prepare.
5 Ways to prepare for the storms.
1) Live ready. Yes, the storms will come, so build your foundation strong in God through abiding.  Regular habits of gathering with the church can be the community strength you need when the storm hits. 
2) Stand Firm in Christ. Hold your ground, you are in God’s hand and nothing can separate you from His love.
3) Be amazed at His creation. See the wonder in the storm-God can do anything.  
4) Listen to His commands. Like school children, listening to the teacher in storm drills- listen to our teacher, Christ. 
Listen: What you hear from God should be loving, full of instruction, give true sight- test it and see if it encourages and brings you near rather than pushes you away.
5) Commit to follow Him. 
You and I should learn from the downpours and snowfall.  It stops us all.  Last night was a reminder of how fierce God’s creation really is…  A loud roar like that of a hungry lion from strong winds kept waking us.  More mighty than the winds of last night God’s voice breaks the forest trees.  Let His voice break the forests of doubt and culture!  Find your way.
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; (Psalm 29:5a ESV)
God’s commands are heard, like a storm for all to see.  Listen to Gracious Tempest– “Your love is like a storm.”
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3 ESV)

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